Team Info:

  • Ben D. Quinn Elementary
  • Rebekah Schehr
  • Nyshaya Collins

Summary of Novel:

Author of A Wrinkle in Time: Madeleine L’Engle

Presentation by: Nyshaya Collins

Meg’s father, Dr. Alex Murry works for the government. He goes to different places for work. He then disappears. While he’s gone, he writes his wife, Meg’s mother, Dr. Kate Murry. Then, quite abruptly, his letters stop. They hadn’t seen him or gotten a letter from him in 4 years. Once Meg gets home from school, and after a run-in with a random woman named Mrs. Whatsit, her and her brother, Charles Wallace, visit the woods to see Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Which, and Mrs. Who. They run into Calvin O’Keefe, a student from Meg’s school. After Meg and Calvin meet Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which, they explain that they know where Dr. Murry is. They say they have to use tesseracts in order to get to Camazotz, where Dr. Murry is. Calvin and Meg want to hold hands while tessering, but Mrs. Whatsit explains that they can hold hands if they want, but they tesser alone. Once Calvin, Meg, Charles Wallace, Mrs. Whatsit, Mrs. Who and Mrs. Which go to visit their friend the Happy Medium. She shows them their mothers. She also shows them what Earth would look like if the Black Thing (AKA) the Darkness took over. Mrs. Whatsit explains that her, Mrs. Which, and Mrs. Who got Calvin, Meg, and Charles Wallace as far as they could. She tells them to go to the town, and to not separate. Once they reach the town of Camazotz, they visit CENTRAL Central Intelligence, a place the mailboy tells them to go. Meg keeps hearing about someone or something called the IT. Meg gets angry every time she hears about it. They met a man who Meg called “The Man Red Eyes”. “ The Man with Red Eyes” attempts to hypnotize Meg, Charles Wallace and Calvin. Calvin uses the Declaration of Independence, and Meg uses her distraction of missing her father, Dr. Murry. Charles Wallace, smart as he was, had difficulty finding out who the Man with Red Eyes actually was. The Man with Red Eyes then told Charles Wallace that if he looked him straight in the eye, Charles would find out who the Man with Red Eyes actually was. Charles then did so. After doing so, the Charles Wallace that Meg and Calvin knew and loved was gone. He was turned into a puppet by the Man with Red Eyes. Charles Wallace leads himself, Meg and Calvin to where Dr. Murry is said to be. Once they release Dr. Murry, Charles Wallace tries to lead the group to the IT. Dr. Murry knows that Meg will not be able to handle it. Charles Wallace doesn’t care. He wants to force Meg and the others towards the IT. As Dr. Murry agrees, and they start walking towards the IT’s lair, Dr. Murry decides to tesser. Only Meg, Calvin, and Dr. Murry tesser away. They travel through the Black Thing and Meg becomes horribly injured and becomes unconscious. Meg regains consciousness and is angry. She’s angry at her father and Calvin because they left Charles Wallace. Dr. Murry can’t calm Meg down, so Calvin tries. He explains that if Dr. Murry tried to yank Charles Wallace away while tessering, it would of affected Charles Wallace badly because the IT was also pulling Charles Wallace towards himself, and that if the pulls were too forceful from opposite sides, Charles Wallace  would have been gone forever.Three figures come towards Meg, Calvin, and Dr. Murry. They are inhabitants of the land. One leans towards Meg as Calvin explains that Meg became cold and paralyzed after their travel through the Black Thing. Dr. Murry is too shocked to speak. One beast leans towards Meg, and picks her up. The beasts want to take Meg back to their home to heal her. Dr. Murry refuses. He then finds out that the beasts can help her. Meg wakes up in a very dark room with the beast that helped her. Meg asks multiple questions, and one of the ones that seemed most important was whether or not Calvin the creature the humorous name Aunand Dr. Murry went to retrieve Charles Wallace. The beast explains that in everyone’s current state of surprise and confusion, no one needed to go rushing back to Camazotz to save Charles Wallace. Meg understands and calls the woman the humorous name Aunt Beast

Once it is morning, the beasts agree that everyone in their humble abode was calm. They then after eating breakfast realized that they needed to pick someone to go back to Camazotz to retrieve Charles Wallace. Calvin and Dr. Murry think that it is wrong to send Meg because she couldn’t handle it, and that one of them should go. Aunt Beast was the only one that had faith in Meg. Meg and Aunt Beast manage to persuade Calvin and Dr. Murry into letting her go. Calvin gives Meg something that she can keep with her while she’s gone (a kiss), and Meg was off.Meg arrives at the IT’s lair using tesseracts. She realizes that IT doesn’t have true love.