by Kadence Vanover

Book Summary

Molly’s Story is about a dog named Molly who has an owner named CJ. Molly has a brother named Rocky and they were best friends but, CJ gave him away to a boy he goes to school with, Trent. This made Molly really sad because she only got to see him sometimes instead of every day. Molly missed Rocky a lot. However, summer came and CJ and Trent played together often so Molly and Rocky got to see each other more.

Category One

My project is from the perspective of CJ. I think CJ felt bad about having to get rid of Rocky. CJ has created a company where you can create a stuffed animal and it look like a pet or animal of your choice. These stuffed animals can be for people who have lost a dog, it could be for pets who might miss other pets; like Molly, or it could be just for fun. These stuffed animals will help people and animals not miss their friends. Attached in my project is a flyer that CJ created in order to advertise her new company.