Molly’s Story

by Kadence Vanover Book Summary Molly’s Story is about a dog named Molly who has an owner named CJ. Molly has a brother named Rocky and they were best friends but, CJ gave him away to a boy he goes to school with, Trent. This made Molly really sad because she only got...

I Survived The Battle of D-Day, 1944

D-Day Ramps by Haze Helms and Caylen Dobson Book Summary Our book was I Survived D-Day. In this book a teenager named Paul who lived in France. He got attacked by the Nazis and the Resistance came to help save France. The Nazis capture Paul but, luckily the Resistance...

Positively Izzy and Wish

Brianna and Charlie by Audrey Elliott Book Summaries                                        Positively Izzy Brianna wanted her mom and dad to be together to help her with the talent show but she can’t make that happen by herself. So she found a way for both parents to...

Forever, or a Long Long Time

Find Their Forever Home By Harper Helms Book Summary Forever, or a Long, Long Time by Caela Carter is about a girl named Flora and her younger brother Julian that are foster kids. They never really felt like they had a true home or did they fill loved. The book leads...


Tape Me to Freedom by Andrew Jones and Caden Swart Book Summary In the book Refugee,there are three kids that are all trying to get to freedom.One of the kids is jewish and his father was sent off to a concentration camp. Then they left on a boat. Another one of the...