Staff Senate Question of the Month for May

Challenge can spark innovation and creativity. What have you, or a colleague you know, done that is innovative during this unprecedented time at WCU, or what ideas do you have to improve university processes, improve institutional or departmental flexibility, or improve the student and/or employee experience during this time.

Share your response here

Last month we asked you about remote work, both what is working and the challenges that you have encountered. We received a record 83 responses to that question, with many reporting that remote working has been going very well and allowing for high productivity, while others reported challenges related to internet reliability, isolation, and workload. The responses have been shared with the Chancellor, CIO, HR Director, and other senior leadership.  Please click here to view the full report.

We value  your input. The results we receive are shared with the Chancellor and WCU leadership and used to inform the work of the university.

The Staff Senate serves in an advisory capacity to the Chancellor and other university decision-making bodies. The Senate is committed to representing and communication the needs and priorities of staff, and also funds of a scholarship for children of staff members. Learn more about the Staff Senate at staff