On Wednesday, June 10, 2020 the WCU Staff Senate voted on and approved the following statement:

The Western Carolina University Staff Senate expresses unequivocal support for Black students, faculty, and staff in our community. This statement is in light of decades of inequitable treatment and physical violence that Black people have experienced in the United States as a result of the systemic racism woven into the fabric of our organizations and structures, and the policies and culture which that creates. We wholly support the official University statements from Chancellor Kelli R. Brown and Chief Diversity Officer Ricardo Nazario-Colon. As a Senate, we call on all members of WCU community to continue to uphold our institutional values of diversity, equity, and inclusion at this difficult moment in our national history. As a Senate, we commit to support, advocate, and be an agent of positive change for Black people, indigenous people, and people of color. We are collaborating with campus partners, engaging in conversations, and working on ways that we can use our power and influence to advance equality and antiracism in our community.

Statements from Chancellor Kelli R. Brown and Chief Diversity Officer Ricardo Nazario-Colon can be found here
The UNC Staff Assembly, UNC Faculty Assembly, and Associated Student Government released a joint statement and it can be found here.