The Staff and Faculty Senates hosted a Summer Forum Zoom Webinar on Friday, June 26th.

With 400 audience members and a panel of 15 administrators, the session was fast-paced and covered many topics related to worksite operations and campus response to COVID-19.  The Senates solicited questions in advance and received more than 200 individual questions as part of that process.   It is no surprise there is a great deal of interest and concern around fall operations – as Chancellor Kelli Brown noted, “Our decisions regarding the academic calendar and the instructional strategies are part of a comprehensive and evolving plan for the Fall semester being developed by a working group in the Division of Academic Affairs, that’s been led by Dr. Starnes, and is based on guidance from the University of North Carolina System.  And it goes without saying that that guidance is evolving on a weekly and sometimes daily basis.”

Friday’s session was originally slated to cover both issues related to the pandemic as well as equity, diversity, racism.  Based on the sheer volume of questions and topics, and the desire to give the equity conversation the time and focus needed, the Chancellor, Chief Diversity Officer, Mr. Ricardo Nazario-Colon, and leaders from the Senates have decided to host another forum solely focused on those topics.  Please watch for upcoming announcements and make plans to attend that critical discussion.

The Summer Forum ran for 90 minutes and allowed for live Q&A, in addition to the pre-selected questions solicited from the campus community.  Topics covered included:  face coverings on campus, quarantine, testing and contact tracing, faculty workload, cleaning and sanitation, athletics, teleworking, community and local hospital coordination, and furlough potential, among many others.

Summer Forum Session Recording