The WCU Staff Senate condemns the dehumanizing and unacceptable behavior we have seen in the videos which were posted over the weekend.

The WCU Staff Senate as a member of the WCU community, is firmly entrenched in opposition to the bigoted and racist language which was exhibited in these videos.  As a Senate, our members are in solidarity with the members of the Black community on campus who have been, once again, targeted by acts of bigotry and racism.  WCU Staff Senators are using our voices to call for change, and to seek out, support, and affirm our Black colleagues, students, and friends.  We are engaging with students and each other, by having direct conversations about racism, oppression, microaggressions, and social justice.

The Staff Senate supports the WCU administration in taking the strongest possible action to maintain our campus and community as a place that is safe and welcoming to all people.

WCU is a community of learners.  We are a close-knit community of care. We are a community which lives through an articulated set of values which guide our interactions, including our commitment to inclusion and equity. What we have seen in these videos violates every tenant we proclaim.

We know that our words are not enough. Frankly, we are not even sure our actions are enough. We want change, we expect change, we are asking for change, and we commit to continuing the fight for a change in the way we, as a community, act towards members of the Black community.

WCU staff members work everyday to make our institution stronger. The Staff Senate will continue to do the best we can to lead and to serve.