Faculty and Staff Receive WCU Works Certification

The University congratulates the graduates of the 2018-2020 WCU Works program (see the graduate list below)!  WCU Works participants have spent the past two years learning powerful skills important in work and in life.  Each graduate has completed at least 40 contact hours in professional development, some in upwards of 100 hours, over a two-year period.

The goal of WCU Works is to help the participant develop the knowledge and skills necessary to be successful and productive in their endeavors, including the professional and the personal. The program subscribes to the premise that supportive development promotes professional engagement as well as exciting new perspectives about participants’ chosen roles.

In a post-program survey, participants reported a significant positive impact in key indicators of personal and professional effectiveness. According to one graduate, “WCU Works has improved my overall contributions to discussions and has made me a more inspired member of the WCU community. I have enjoyed working with and getting to know many people across all department, divisions and areas of the university.”

For additional information about WCU Works, contact Chris Dahlquist at 227-7218.

2018-2020 WCU Works Certification Recipients:

Adrienne Applegate
Carol Barnao
Bryant Barnett
Lucretia Bell
Jonathan Brooks
Janina DeHart
Alex Fields
Lynley Hardie
Carol Hicks
Nikki Jones
Andrew Judson
Julie Mathis
Srisuda McCullough
Leigh Odom
Jason Ottie
Shannon Owsley
Daniel Parris
Valerie Pelnar
Trisha Ray
Melissa Snyder
Miranda Stacy
Jenny Stewart
Tisha Taylor
Dwayne Tutt
Robert Walker
Alexandra Watson
Mary-Ann Wike
Rachel Wike