There’s some exciting news to share about a new opportunity for summer childcare geared to support both Faculty and Staff.

Our very own Campus Recreation Center is offering a summer camp, Lil’ Cats Camp. Lil’ Cats Camp works to provide a camp that promotes recreation and wellness for all campers in a safe, positive, and fun environment. Lil’ Cats will serve the dependents of WCU Faculty, Staff and Students in the age range of 8-12 yrs old, with a capacity of 10 campers per week. Lil’ Cats uses a flexible registration model to best serve and accommodate the needs of families, as well as maximizing the effectiveness of the camp. Families will have the option to choose what works best for their family. Parents can choose to enroll their camper on a weekly basis by designating which week in the summer they want to participate. Theoretically, a parent could register anywhere from one week to eight weeks.

For more information and to register, please visit the following link: Summer Day Camp at WCU

Should you have any questions, feel free to reach out directly to Martin Jacaruso at the Campus Recreation Center (