We have money to help you reach your professional goals and we want to give it to you!
Do you…
  • Want to grow professionally?
  • Want to engage in professional development activities?
  • Want to attend a conference that can help your current or future job growth?
  • Need to take a college-entrance exam like the ACT, GMAT, GRE, etc.?
  • Pay for your own licenses or memberships that are required for your job?
If you answered YES to any of these questions, we can assist!
What services can the Staff Senate Professional Development committee provide?
  • Finding Resources – We can help you find professional development activities tailored toward your current and future professional goals.
  • Petitioning for Departmental Support – We can help you ask your department for support.
  • Application Assistance – We can help you complete the application for the professional development funds.

As a staff member, you are important to Staff Senate and WCU. We work to support you in your endeavors of professional growth. Please let our team help you reach your goals!

How can you get more information?

Reach out to Deborah Millican, Staff Senate Professional Development Liaison, by email, dsmillican@wcu.edu, or by phone at 828.227.2452. You can also check out the Staff Senate Professional Development webpage.