We asked — you answered! So, what now?

August’s Question of the Month revolved around the use of Zoom and Microsoft Teams, as well as your comfort level for using these platforms. We also asked how you would like to access virtual training so that we can provide the most useful outlet to equip each of you!

And the results are… (drumroll, please)

It is overwhelmingly evident that we have a great opportunity across our campus to utilize additional training opportunities in both Zoom and Microsoft Teams! It looks like there is plenty of room for growth and understanding concerning the features of both platforms. Although many of you know how to host a meeting in Zoom, the confidence with Microsoft Teams is a little lower.

It is also apparent that emails with attached links to training opportunities or use of MyWCU for housing training workshops will be the most convenient outlet for you to improve your virtual meeting skills.

For training in other areas, Staff Senate was awarded $10,000 in Professional Development funds for permanent staff members! More information will be forthcoming on how to apply for this funding.

Training is important, but the last question asked by the Staff Senate for August is the most important of all.

While some people answered that they would like the ability to fly, teleport, be invisible, or read minds (watch out for those folks!), we want to remind you that you already have a superpower!

YOU, as a staff member, are a massive reason that WCU can provide quality education to students. You are the face they see and the voice they hear when they are looking for a university to propel them to a better future. You are part of a more significant team that makes WCU a great place to live, work, and attend school.

Thank you all for your hard work during this trying time and the ever-changing situations that we have faced throughout 2020! Here’s to a continued great fall semester! If interested, please click to view the full results!