Staff Senate recently held elections for new Staff Senators to come on board starting July, 2024. With 41 extremely qualified candidates, nearly 350 staff members who voted and only 13 vacant positions, the competition was steep. Thank you to everyone who ran for Staff Senate and everyone who voted. Those who were elected are listed below in no particular order of vote counts.

Dana Boyer- Academic Affairs
Cayela Bauknecht- Admin and Finance
Lauren Bishop- Admin and Finance
Stephanie Edwards- Advancement
Julie Mathis- Chancellor’s Division
Elizabeth Honbarger-
Information Technology
Alex Fields- Student Affairs
Andrew Judson- Delegate at Large
Catherine MacCallum- Delegate at Large
Jenny Stewart- Delegate at Large
Chris Parrish- Delegate at Large
Richard Gamble- Academic Affairs
Lyndsay Anthony- Admin and Finance

Congratulations to those who were elected to serve on Staff Senate!

Left to right: Julie Mathis, Elizabeth Honbarger, Stephanie Edwards, Richard Gamble, Chris Parrish, Andrew Judson, Jenny Stewart, Cayela Bauknecht, Dana Boyer. Not Pictured: Lauren Bishop, Alex Fields, Catherine MacCallum, Lyndsay Anthony