Join us for the final session of the 2020-2021 Culture in Conversation Series.

Session 6: Allyship & Bystander Behavior
What does allyship look like for the most marginalized of people?
12:00pm – Tuesday, April 20, 2021
Register for session 6 with this link


Shantoneeka Zorn (they/them)
Western Carolina University

Shantoneeka is a Black queer counselor who received their M.Ed. in College Counseling and Student Development. Shantoneeka believes that college students are a unique population with even more unique challenges. Their areas of interest include anti-Racism, intersectionality, mental health, minority student success, identity development, students in transition, sexuality and gender, values exploration, and holistic healing.

C. Shane Lindsey (all pronouns with respect)
Mercer University – Cecil B. Day Graduate and Professional Campus

Shane is a third year Psy.D. student in Clinical Psychology at Mercer University. They received their B.S. in Psychology from Georgia Southern University and their M.S. in Clinical Health Psychology. Currently, they work at a community mental health facility providing individual and group counseling to, primarily, queer people of color living with HIV. Their interest lies in affirmative approaches to therapy, identity development, relational-dynamic modes of therapy, and body work.