WCU Staff Senate is starting a series titled “Meet a Human Resources Representative.” This series allows faculty/staff across campus to meet our Human Resources staff and learn a few things about them. The next Human Resources Staff represented we will showcase is Trisha Ray. Trisha has been working at WCU for seven years, all of which have been in the HR Department. She has worked in Human Resources for a total of 13 years. When Trisha was in college, she worked at Wachovia Bank where a person in Human Resources was her main contact for scheduling. She was always so helpful and supportive, so Trisha quickly learned Human Resources was an area which she wanted to be in. Trisha says “the biggest joy of working in Human Resources is providing a better experience and/or supporting the employees who are putting much of themselves into the day-to-day operations.

Trisha’s title in Human Resources is Employee Relations Consultant. She spends a great dal of her time helping or advocating for employees in challenging situations. She also assist supervisors with the goal of the best possible outcome for both the employee and the supervisor. She also handles the exit interview process, search committee training, FMLA and parental leave, and short-term disability.

Recently, her favorite place to eat on campus has been Freshens. She has discovered the burrito bowls. Trisha says the burrito bowl is really good and quick to grab. Although, she is always up for a Starbucks any time of day. When Trisha was asked what she likes most about working at WCU, she said “I love that through my job I get the opportunity to work with staff, faculty, and students all over campus. While all jobs can have their challenges, at WCU there is a comradery that I didn’t find at past employers.”