Getting Started with Microsoft Teams for Education

Getting Started with Microsoft Teams for Education

A series of free, live, online training classes designed to get you up and running quickly

Microsoft is excited to host a series of free, live, online training classes designed to get you up and running with Teams. If you’re a faculty, admin, IT Pro, or student, you’ll find a class that’s right for you. Join us to see Teams in action, get your questions answered, and interact with our live instructors. For more training opportunities, including on-demand versions of live training, check out our on-demand end-user training.

Click a session below to sign up:

Say hello to Microsoft Teams: What is Microsoft Teams? Join us for this 30-minute orientation to discover what Teams is and how it can work for you.
Run effective meetings with Teams: Learn how you can leverage Teams for your pre, during, and post meetings experience.


Motivating Honors Students

Dr. April TalentGuest Blogger ~ Dr. April Talent




Whether you’re teaching an Honors Section of a course, working with an Honors Student one-on-one through an Honors Contract, or just thinking about how to keep your Honors Students motivated in a regular class, studio, or lab, there are a variety of resources available with ideas for faculty on boosting learning outcomes for Honors Students.

This short article from the University Honors Program at Kansas University describes moving learning outcomes up to the highest level of Bloom’s Taxonomy in which learning goals are aimed at synthesis, evaluation, integration, and creation.  These higher levels of critical thinking are key to inspiring Honors Students in their studies.  They create modes of learning that challenge motivated students in creative ways that go beyond just doing more.

This paper (access provided through Hunter Library), written by faculty in The Netherlands, looks at instructional factors and how those strategies challenged their high-ability students.  In their conclusions, they affirm that the combination of student autonomy, complexity, and teacher expectations come together to be effective in keeping these students motivated and challenged and ultimately improving outcomes.  These factors further underscore the value of establishing learning outcomes for Honors Students that are at the highest levels of critical thinking in terms of course learning goals.

The Center for Teaching at Vanderbilt has a useful summary of Bloom’s Taxonomy on their website.  This is a quick resource that summarizes the action verbs that are aligned with the different processes of learning, e.g. planning, producing, generating, checking, critiquing, attributing, organizing, and differentiating, corresponding to critical thinking at the highest levels of Analysis, Evaluation, and Creation.

References and Resources

Armstrong, P. (n.d.) Bloom’s taxonomy. Vanderbilt University Center for Teaching.

Scager, K., Akkerman, S. F., Pilot, A., & Wubbels, T. (2013). How to persuade honors students to go the extra mile: creating a challenging learning environment. High Ability Studies, 24(2), 115–134.

Teaching honors students. (n.d.). The University of Kansas Honors Program. Retrieved January 23, 2020, from





Best Practices in Honors Contracts Discussed by WCU Faculty and Students

Honors Update

Thinking about new ways of engaging students in Honors Contract projects this semester?  Listen in on a panel discussion in which faculty members from a variety of different departments and disciplines talk with Honors students about what makes a great honors project.  Students and faculty members share ideas about what works and doesn’t work, and they discuss ideas for projects and directions that motivate students.  The students and faculty also discuss aims, objectives, and expectations for Honors projects in lower level as compared to higher level courses.  Practical aspects of initiating and developing the project are also discussed in terms of best practices.  Faculty and students discuss their ideas of what an ideal honors project looks like and what the key elements and outcomes of that project involve.  The panel wraps up as students and faculty give examples and talk about the mentoring that happens throughout the semester in guiding an honors project to success.

Watch the video here:

We hope that you will enjoy this student-faculty conversation and get some good ideas and inspiration as we start the semester.  Many thanks to our student and faculty participants!  Special thanks to Colin Townsend from The Honors College for moderating the panel.

Amethyst Hall, senior, majoring in Computer Information Systems
Rylan Paye, junior, majoring in Mechanical Engineering
Anna Haggy, senior, majoring in Environmental Health and Political Science
Eli Hatley, senior, majoring in Emergency Medical Care

Robert Adams, School of Engineering and Technology
Kelly Tracy, School of Teaching and Learning
Jeanne Dulworth, Department of Social Work
Rob Ferguson, Department of History
Colin Wasamund, Stage and Screen
Lori Oxford, Department of Modern Languages

Reminder that Honors Contracts are due no later than the fourth Friday of the semester.  This semester that will be Friday, February 7. Remember to access Honors Contracts in MyWCU. (see image)
Need help with Honors Contracts? Contact us at or 227-7383.

SiTL 2019 recap

On December 2, about a dozen faculty from across the university joined the Coulter Faculty Commons team for a SiTL appreciation lunch. In case you haven’t seen the acronym before, SiTL stands for the Summer Institute for Teaching and Learning, which is hosted every year the first or second week after finals end in May. Faculty attend this gathering to learn about new teaching methods, tackle changing technology, and get help with course design/redesign for the upcoming year.

It’s a good time to bring all your ideas questions from the semester into a lively community of growing scholars, teachers, and experts in learning, technology, and research. 

The SiTL experience includes a variety of sessions along with opportunities for networking or solo working on ideas you want to implement in your own teaching. Depending on your needs and interests, you can choose from a variety of short sessions, or join a more in-depth training that extends over several days of the event. Faculty feedback indicates a value for the option and variety, but also notes the benefit of a more focused track, which allows space in between sessions to reflect and apply what you’ve been learning.  

Last year the summer institute included a focused track on Team Based Learning (TBL), which was hosted by a cross-disciplinary team of faculty from physical therapy, nursing, nutrition, parks and rec, and social work. At the end of three days, faculty were excited and equipped to bring this model to their fall courses. 

More important than what happens at SiTL, though, is what happens afterward. The stories faculty told at the lunch meeting about student engagement and performance are the reason the CFC hosts this event for faculty every year. Some of the faculty who implemented Team Based Learning after this event are seeing the highest levels of student engagement in twenty years!  

Next month, we will share more details on Team Based Learning and how it has transformed the teaching experience for at least two faculty members at WCU. Meanwhile, if you’re curious about what’s in store for SiTL 2020, visit our event page from 2019 to get an idea of what will be on offer and then be sure you are subscribed to our newsletter for the latest updates and details. More information will be coming soon.  

Upcoming Panopto 2020 Update

Behavior changes and new features

Settings updates

The following settings have changed in this release:

  • Enable Embed Options UI in Embedded Session Picker — This setting controls whether the Embed Options UI is shown in the embedded session chooser, which users see when embedding Panopto videos within LMS and CMS integrations. This feature is turned ON by default.
  • Recycle bin available to non-admin users — This setting controls whether the Recycle Bin is available to all creators in addition to administrators. This feature is turned ON by default.

  • Email video deleter on restore — Setting used to enable email notification to the user who deleted a video when it is restored from the recycle bin. The email will contain a link to the video and information on who restored the video. This feature is turned ON by default.

  • Enable video preview — This setting controls whether the “Preview Mode” button is shown to users. When a user switches to preview mode, they can choose to watch videos in-line, within the session list or to launch videos in a new tab. This feature is currently in beta and it is OFF by default.

  • Allow Powerpoint downloads and external links — Specifies whether Powerpoint and Keynote downloads or other external links can be shown in the viewer.  When enabled, content creators can choose to make their slides available for download. This feature is ON by default.

  • Sort “Shared With Me” page by “Shared date” — This setting changes the default sort order for the “Shared with Me” page to list videos by the date they were shared, with most recent shares first. This feature is currently in beta and is OFF by default.

Show “Go to Parent Folder” button in Embedded Session List page — This setting controls whether the “Go up to parent” button appears within the embedded session list page, allowing easier navigation into, and out of, subfolders.

Beta Features coming in 2020…

A few Beta features not yet ready for production are currently being tested on our staging server.

  • Panopto Web (BETA) — Users can record multi-stream videos from their browser without installing any plugins or client software. Recordings can capture multiple audio and video sources, as well as entire screens, specific apps, and Chrome tabs. While we continue to gather beta feedback, this feature will only be available to site administrators. Initially, it will be supported only in Chrome and Chromium-based browsers. This feature will be enabled for only admin users when in Beta but can be turned off from site-settings.

  • Video Preview (BETA) — Users will be able to preview videos when browsing and searching in Panopto’s list interfaces, so they can find critical information faster. The new preview mode allows users to watch their videos in-line wherever they are without having to go to a different tab. If they choose to, they can still open the video in a new tab or watch it as full-screen. If the preview mode is off, then the behavior for watching any videos is unchanged. The preview mode will allow users to more efficiently browse and search for videos, so they can access relevant information faster. This feature is an opt-out feature but the preview mode is off for each user till they decide to turn it ON for themselves. Admins can also choose to turn off the entire feature using a site-setting.

  • Slack Integration (BETA) — Users will be able to search for Panopto videos from directly within the Slack app and share them with channels and direct messages with just one click. If you would like to join the beta for this integration, please contact Panopto support.